How big can Holland or Mini Lops get?

The Mini Lop is the larger of the two! The Mini Lop is between 4-5 inches tall and weighs 3-6.5 pounds as an adult. The Holland Lop is between 5-6 inches tall and weighs 2-4 pounds as an adult.


Can Holland or mini lops stay outdoors and indoors?

Mini Lop rabbits are intelligent and can be litter trained. They are also very social and thrive on attention, whether playing games or cuddling. Mini Lops can live inside or outside—as long as precautions are taken to secure an outdoor hutch against predators and exposure to extreme heat and cold.

Can teacup rabbits be left alone?

Rabbits are a social species and should not be kept alone for a long time, or without at least one other rabbit or its toys or another home pet with whom they are compatible.


How often should rabbits be washed?

Rabbits are naturally clean and groom themselves, licking their fur and using their paws to reach hard-to-reach areas. They also groom each other, which helps them bond and stay clean


How often should rabbitss be fed?

Rabbits should always have access to hay, which should be topped up throughout the day

What if I have more questions?

Please call, text, or message us! We are here to help you, and would love to answer any questions you may have!